Visual Studio Code / Docker Installation

Installation instructions for using the remote container feature of Visual Studio Code (vscode)

The remote container feature allows to run the editor’s backend inside a docker container, which is readily set up for development.


Clone this repository:

git clone

And open the created directory in vscode, for instance like that:

code ./datameta

Install the remote development extension:

  • click on the extensions symbol in the side bar

  • search for Remote Development and install it

To reopen vscode inside the dev container:

  • select View > Command Palette in the dropdown menu

  • then select (or type): Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container

If you are executing this for the first time, the containers will be set up via docker-compose. This might take some time.

Using the container

Once the build is successful, you will be able to use vscode as usual. The workspace will be mounted at /workspace.

However, before you start, you have to first install datameta in edit mode. Just type in the terminal:


(this will execute the script at /workspace/docker/dev_install) You only have to run this once (unless you re-build the container or want to re-install datameta).

Every time you would like to deploy datameta, just type:


(this will execute the script at /workspace/docker/dev_launcher)

The frontend should be available at http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.


Any configuration regarding the dev container environment can be found at /.devcontainer.

The environment includes a few useful vscode extensions out of the box. If you find a extension that might be of use to everybody, feel free to add it to the /.devcontainer/devcontainer.json.

For general information on this vscode feature please look here.